AM – Dear Friend & Angel Fund

Thanks for meeting me here! I posted yesterday that today you’d be able to read another Sephardic Voice. But when you opened my blog, you probably noticed that I added two PayPal buttons and are wondering what’s up? To answer why I have a button for book sales and the Angel Fund I have posted the following letter and material from my website. I will post Elizabeth’s Sephardic Voice tonight.

Dear Friend,

Because my husband is a missionary, we spend many Sundays in churches and revisit them often. When we do women have confided how relieved they are that we have come and how difficult it is to get their non-believing spouse, relative, friend, or associate to attend the service. Though they know the Lord wants them to speak about the gospel, they fear loosing these relationships and remain mute.

I wrote the Casa Series so that men and women could use the gift of literature to reach the lost. These novels reveal a unique people and their history. Both you and those you gift the books to will enjoy the romantic, historic, fiction. In the first volume, Yearning the reader experiences Naomi’s problems, which multiply as she hides who she is and marries Chaz, a man she believes to be Catholic without sharing her secret with him. When she is unmasked as someone other than what he thought her to be, she flees.

As Chaz prepares to leave town, a friend challenges him invoking Gods name. Our hero responds, “Leave God out of this.” This startling conclusion to book one will cause those who have read that novel to read Fulfillment, the second book in the series to discover how our star-crossed lovers’ story ends. They will be surprised to discover the novels name indicates Naomi and Chaz’s desire, which is in Messiahs…Jesus hands. The culmination of their individual salvation stories will guide the reader from our characters journey into their own and show them how to enter into a relationship with Christ our Kinsman Redeemer and experience Gods love for them.

I have signed a contract with Tate Publishing. Casa de Naomi ~ The House of Blessing ~ Book One ~ Yearning will be released in the fall of 2011. While in prayer, I discovered that the Lord wants to get these books into the secular bookstores. That is a tall order since secular bookstores do not carry Christian or Messianic books. However, there is a plan that will accomplish what most believe to be impossible - pre-sell 5,000 books. To my knowledge, no one has pre-sold this number of novels. When we accomplish what most believe to be undoable, the secular booksellers will call the publisher and order the book. And that my friend will get our Lords message spread! I cannot do this by myself. Please help me by purchasing Casa de Naomi – The House of Blessing – Yearning from this blog.

Angel Fund Gifts - Acts 10:4 “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.”

When I announced that Casa de Naomi – The House of Blessing – Book One - Yearning was at the publishers, a friend of mine asked how much it would cost. I told her $20 plus shipping. She shook her head and said, “I live below the poverty line.” I had known this sweet sister for some time but never knew her financial condition. Later that day, I met a Jewish woman and spoke with her. As I left, I handed her my card. I wondered if she would call as she had said she would…Or would the cares of this world cause her to set aside for today what matters most for eternity.

The needs of these two women weighed heavy upon my heart. Although one was a strong believer and the other seemed to want nothing to do with Messiah (Jesus), He was drawing both of them to Himself, one for salvation the other for succor. “What,” I wondered, “could I do to help.” I fell back on the fact that I am an author…That is what I do - write and speak. Then the Lord reminded me that the salvation stories I have written were for everyone...Jew and gentile - believer and pre-believer as well - The poor as well as those who could purchase a book - those pre-believers whose friend would gift them a book and those who had no one to give them anything of eternal value.

That dear friend is why I set up Angel Fund Gifts. When you give to this fund, it allows me to gift books to the needy, and the lost. I hope you pray about gifting someone the precious gift of salvation, and then stop by. When you give, please remember that the first book is historic, romantic fiction, and the second novel has salvation stories. If it is possible, please give enough to cover the cost of both books. If you want to use this site to gift a book and have it sent anonymously to someone you love, please mention that. Be sure to leave me your email information so I can contact you when I mail the book.
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