Casa de Naomi Fulfillment Opened Today!!

Before a new Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing novel is released, I begin a new blog. Although you may not know it, Casa de Naomi Reflections began four months prior to the first books release. Many dropped by. When the book was released on December 20, 2011, the number of followers began to increase.

Aware that some will stumbled upon this blog, and others, perhaps like you, will visit because we've been on this journey together, I hope you'll visit because between now and the release of book two I'll be posting hints every week so you'll be able to participate in a scavenger hunt. The person who's able to solve the puzzle will win an author inscribed copy of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing , Book Two. But to do so, that person will need to discover what's missing either by omission or commission. Since all the clues can be found in book one, I hope you have one.

To play visit
Good Luck!
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