Make a Wish, by Marlayne Grion

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        Having known Marlayne Grion for several years, I read her first book “The Victor,” and heard about her last book “In Plain Sight.” But the book I’ve asked her to share with you spoke to my heart as I know it will yours because this book is about gifting people a wish they may have never spoken about, but need, or sad to say – a wish was denied them. I must admit that when Marlayne read a few of these short stories to us, her loving fans, friends and family several years ago, I told her that these stories were going to be a great book! And they are! Although some measure greatness by numbers sold, or lives changed, I’ve measured the heart of this author which is found within the pages of ‘Make a Wish’ and count myself fortunate to have this talented, caring woman as a tried and true friend! I know you will feel the same way I did when I heard what you’re about to read, so grab a cup of tea or coffee and snuggle up because I believe that what you’re about to experience was wrought by God!

“Make a Wish”
                Make a Wish had a very innocent beginning. Henry and I had become good friends ever since his wife, Vicki, reviewed my book, “The Victor,” on her blog. He’s been a quadriplegic since the age of 14, and was in his early 50s when I wrote his “wish fulfillment” story. He was really down in the dumps. He had been stood up for a fishing trip and because of his condition he is subject to the schedules and whims of others. He wouldn’t get out of bed and wouldn’t do anything for weeks and his wife, Vicki, had given up trying to coax him.        
                I had already spoken with Henry several times before this so I was distressed when I heard how low he was feeling. But what could I do? I lived on the west coast and he lived on the east coast. How could I possibly cheer him up? Then a light bulb went on over my head and I thought, I can write him a story…and that’s exactly what I did. I wrote “A Gift for Henry” in about one hour, and then emailed it to them that night. The first thing the next morning I checked my email to see what the response was. Well…it was amazing! Vicki told me that they had wept for 20 minutes after reading it. That it had truly been inspired of God because the details I put in that were perfect for Henry. Such as the smell of orange blossoms being his favorite, how he was always trying to wiggle his toes to see if they had started working and that all he wants to do when he gets to heaven is to run, run, run for the Lord.
              After that they asked me to write wish fulfillment stories for friends of theirs, so I wrote “Three Wishes” and “Butterfly Kisses.” The news of these stories spread and pretty soon, I had compiled thirty-five short stories that I had written as gifts for people and the reaction from most of the recipients were the same. Just about everyone told me they had cried their eyes out or loved the story so much they continued with the plot into their own book length format.
                All of these stories were written as gifts for others either because I was inspired to do so or because they were requested. Some are deeply emotional, heartfelt and inspirational while others are just fun.
                Each story is preceded by a brief paragraph which gives a little bio on the person for whom it was written and why. Each person appears in their own story as “The Star.”
              Last year, my husband and I learned about Henry’s latest and potentially very serious physical challenges, and we decided to change our anniversary plans from our local Napa, CA and head to Florida last November for our 25th wedding anniversary. I met Henry and Vicki for the first time in person after a three-year long-term friendship over the phone and internet. I had given my promise to Henry that should anything ever happen to him I would read his story at his memorial service but I didn’t want the first time I ever laid eyes on him to be when he was in his casket. Instead of that being the first time I’d lay eyes on him, we spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with him and his family at their home and in turn, they came to support me at my book signing in Lakeland, Florida the next day. Henry had many of the patrons in tears as he related his story of how he became a quadriplegic at the age of 14 and how he was touched by the story I wrote for him.
        In addition to Henry; I also got to meet several other very good friends for whom I have written "Wish Fulfillment" stories for who also came to the book signing. Sandra Stiles, a fellow author and school teacher in Sarasota who wrote “Steps to Courage.” Her story is called, “Two Peas in a Pod.” I also met Henry’s childhood friend, Darlene whose story is “Three Wishes,” and is the only story that made me cry as I wrote it.

To give you an idea of the reactions I’ve gotten from most of the recipients, here are some of their comments: 

I was totally blown away when I read my wish story! It touched me so much tears of joy flowed down my cheeks. It was more than what I expected. You will be amazed at the inspirational God-given messages through the writings of this awesome author. (Message received from my wish -- TRUST THE SON!)” – Martha Ray Winders (Something New Under the Son)

Tears began streaming down my cheeks from the very moment I began reading my wish story! This author has been blessed with a gift that could only come from God Himself, and I was truly blessed by her God-given talent!” – Gail Watts (Waterfall Blessings)

When I read my story, it brought tears to my eyes. It was as if Marlayne had peered into my mind. The Holy Spirit had to have revealed my thoughts to her, for her to have that much insight into my life, because we have never met. This short story has deeply moved me to continue my work. I guess you never really know how you have affected people you briefly encounter, until you read something like this.” – Jeremy Baldwin (Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda)

I have read many things in my life that have touched my heart, but nothing like what Marlayne has written. I keep my wish fulfillment story by my bed with my daily devotional and my Bible. Every night when I read it, tears flow. This is such a blessing.” – Ronnie Jackson (Appointment with Destiny)

Marlayne:  All I can do is is the most beautiful story; more than I could have imagined, though the stories I had read on your site were so inspiring I knew that the people you had written them for must have been thrilled. I just had let you know that I am bawling my eyes out. What a wonderful gift you have given to me, to Emma, to the family, and most of all to the Lord for as you have given to us, you have given to Him. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” - Susan Smoots (“A Force to be Reckoned With)

If you’d like your own story email and add… “Make a Wish!”

For a one of a kind gift/book choosing “Make a Wish” will let the person reading it know you cared enough to wish that all their dreams really do come true!

For your personally autographed copy, email Marlayne at

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I Will Host Messianic and Christian Fiction Authors on This Blog! by Paula Rose Michelson

You read the title right! I will be happy to host those writing Messianic or Christian fiction each week! If you’re wondering why, read on.

On January 14, 2011, I began my Year of 5,000 Books Blog. From its inception this blogs goal was to allow me to share the process of researching the material so I could write that Casa Saga Books, and let the reader of my journey experience the process from writer, to published author, and from author to the record breaking sale of 5,000 books sold before Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing released on December 20, 2012. To admit that I did not accomplish my goal would be a hard thing to do, except along the way, I learned so much about myself and God’s calling that what I learnedthe way that knowledge has continued to inform my every choicehas been invaluable.

Now that Casa de Naomi Reflections Blog has been up since August 29, 2011, and with the second volume of the Casa Saga soon to release, I’ve added the Casa de Naomi Fulfillment Blog, I found myself feeling rather ‘blogged down.’ Add to that the pressing realization that writing three blogs requires a lot of time, and I soon realized that something had to give. Yet I’ve grown to love this blog, and many, though not officially following, drop by regularly enough for me to be aware that if I were dropping by I might eventually stop because the author (me) hasn’t posted anything as riveting as “Was President Abraham Lincoln the Descendent of a Sephardic Jew?” as enjoyable as “The Best Day Ever” or as uplifting as “In the Morning I will Seek Your Face” in a while.

I had thought to just walk away…sort of let the blog lie fallow until it died of its own accord. However, as the creative force that breathed life, and words into this creation of mine, I could no more do that than God could turn away from me when I disappoint him.  

Then it struck me, as things sometimes do…that I have been blessed by many authors/writers/bloggers and I want to give something back to them, and if you believe as I do that the Jewish Messiah has come, though I may not know you yet, if you’re writing to affirm your faith in him, I’m including you as well. So here’s the deal, if you’d like me to host you on this blog email and well see how the Lord will lead.
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