Feedback from “Was President Abraham Lincoln the Descendent of a Sephardic Jew?” by Paula Rose Michelson

The comments keep on pouring in...

Steve L. Nyemba wrote, “Interesting analysis and thought provoking. It opens a whole host of questions related to social contract; socio/religious tolerance; state & religion. Great work!!”


Since WordWolf and several others have asked if I’m writing articles or a historical book about Abraham Lincoln, the Spanish and Mexican Inquisitions, or the Sephardim, I though it wise to post my response to them here.

“I am not a historian, but an author writing historic romantic fiction about a Sephardic girl who flees Spain in 1952 in search of religious freedom. To understand her, I did a lot of research. The first novel, in the Casa Saga, Casa de Naomi - The House of Blessing will be released in October. To build an audience, I have begun posting some of what I learned on my blog. Should you want more information, please invite me to speak and do a reading.”


This afternoon, further praise from WordWulf, "I really enjoyed the opening piece on Lincoln. Are you presenting these separately or as chapters in a total work? Having read everything I can find on Lincoln, I find credibility in your work, certainly a deeper truth about a most magnificent human being and writer."


It was lovely to wake up this morning to rave reviews of yesterdays posting. It’s exciting to post them here. If you have anything to add to this discourse please email me from this blog, post on FB or Tweet me!

Mia Marlowe Emily Bryan, "Fascinating."

Daniel Updegraff, "Very interesting"

Diana Catsoulas, "Very interesting - and VERY plausible - Thank you for this enlightening blog."

More comments...

WordWulf, "Lincoln is my favorite historical person. I read this with interest, find it plausible & worth consideration."

Another visitor to my blog identified themselves as “Mmusingsnprint” commented, “A town named Bostic, in NC claims to be Lincoln's birthplace." My response, although many claim famous people came form their town or suggested other locations, I reviewed Professor Elizabeth Hirschman of Rutgers Universities extensive research and agree with her conclusion, which stated that Abe Lincoln was Jewish.

If you have not read the blog mention here, it’s directly below this posting...Enjoy!
Category: 1 comments


Anonymous said...

Lincoln is my favorite historical person. I read this with interest, find it plausible & worth consideration.

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