Rarely does one as set in her ways as I am find themselves eager to learn about things that many would chose to side step saying, “I’m to set in my ways and can get along without knowing…” However, if that person is as lucky as I am, they have a friend like Kathy Free to show them all that new technology can do for them and for their work.
Until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of personal apps. Nor had I noticed that business apps were taking over the marketplace. All that changed when Kathy, a long time acquaintance of mine, made it her mission to help me achieve my, “Year of 5,000 Books.” I am certain that she did not expect her interest in my work, coupled with my broken hip, to bring her into my life when I needed someone to be home when the hospital released me. Nor, do I imagine that when she offered to assist me that she’d ever thought a writer who seemed to know it all, knew nothing about modern technology. Although I must confess that I had stopped using the old quill I inherited from my grandmother months before I fell.
However, after a few weeks of mending, coming to consider Kathy a real friend who’d go the distance to help me, and editing Casa de Naomi – The House of Blessing, which is the first novel in the Casa Saga, I was boarded and ready to listen. It took less than half an hour for me to realize that I was living in the Stone Age. What authors had done before to promote their work was archaic when compared with the tools at our disposal today.
It took a trip to the mall to convince me that I needed to update my phone and join Twitter so that the app she would design for me could not only help me reach out people but also allow me to build a fan base for my work. I was thrilled to find the Android phone on sale and delighted to discover that all the bells and whistles came standard or I could find them by surfing apps that were free.
Today I got my Twitter account and began selected people to follow. Just like my FaceBook experience, suddenly I was able to connect with people all over the world! What a way to live! If you haven’t tried it yet get yourself set up with an Android phone and Tweet. And if you, like me, want the best personal or business app set up for you contact Kathy Free at http://www.msrtech.com/
Be sure to tell her that Paula sent you!
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